About Us

The Bureau of Statistics (BoS) is the hub of information & statistical data activity in the province with a legal mandate to collect, analyze, compile & disseminate the data on socio-economic & development indicators of the province. Established in 1971 within the Planning & Development Department after the dissolution of one unit & had been undertaking its activities under the Act called “The General Statistics Act 1975”. Later this Act was revisited. Currently Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (Federal) & four Provincial Bureaus are functioning under the Act Called “The General Statistics (Reorganization) Act, 2011”.


  1. To Collect and Analyze Primary & Secondary statistical data on socio-economic sectors of the province & present facts & figures in the desired format to best serve the needs of data users.

2. To prepare and issue statistical publications to disseminate statistical information.

3. Conduct surveys & prepare their reports.

4. To Act as a liaison between the Federal & Provincial Governments on statistical matters.

5. To prepare basic socio-economic indicators of the province.

6. To identify & eliminate duplication in provincial statistics.

Facilities We Provide

Bureau of Statistics is to facilitate evidence-based decision-making, promote transparency, and provide reliable information to support various sectors of society. It plays a crucial role in helping governments, businesses, researchers, and the public understand and navigate the complexities of their economies and societies.

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