
Census Operations

Conducting periodic censuses to gather comprehensive demographic and socio-economic data. This may include information on population size, age distribution, housing, education, employment, and more.


Collecting and publishing data related to economic activities, such as gross domestic product (GDP), inflation rates, employment figures, industrial production, and trade statistics.


Gathering information on social indicators, including health, education, crime rates, poverty levels, and other factors that provide insights into the well-being of the population.


Collecting data related to environmental factors, such as air and water quality, biodiversity, and natural resource usage.


Compiling data on businesses, industries, and trade to support economic analysis, policy formulation, and business planning.


Providing information on employment and unemployment rates, labor force participation, wage trends, and other labor market indicators.


Analyzing collected data and producing reports, publications, and statistical summaries that are made available to the public, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders.


 Supporting government decision-making by providing evidence-based information for the formulation, evaluation, and monitoring of policies and programs.

Way Alongside River

Collaborating with international organizations and other countries to ensure consistency in statistical methodologies and data comparability.

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